Our Podcasts and Posts

Leadstra has a variety of content we develop to help our friends, prospects, and client better understand what is possible. Please enjoy and don’t forget to comment and let us know what you think.

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What Happened to My Chair?

What Happened to My Chair?

What Happened to My Chair? The Gen X Guide to Career Satisfaction I admit, I never saw it coming. Growing old that is. I remember being too young to be taken seriously, then gaining some experience and looking sideways at my older colleagues who just didn’t seem to...

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Networking in a Digital Age

I started my business in 2007. I'd worked in a corporate environment for over 15 years prior to that. In my 'previous life', I'd learned a lot about creating connections, delivering value, and selling through my network. Unfortunately, those lessons never came with...

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My Best Sales Line – Ever!

Have you ever had a sales manager or trainer tell you about A.B.C. – Always Be Closing? Old school organizations that believe in brute force sales still exist, but luckily most business developers realize closing a deal depends more on building...

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Time Is Money – Or Is It?

Chances are you’ve heard this statement in the workplace before. It is a cliché that too many bad bosses and business coaches use to create motivation. The other day, one of my team members noted that small business owners had two primary concerns: time and money....

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Join Us and Learn

Join Us and Learn

Join Us - For Free Training If you work in or own a small business, you know the challenges. You work long hours. You do all you can to create great products and services. You invest your money and time with no guarantee of return. And you are constantly looking for ...

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Client Spotlight: Morning Light

Client Spotlight: Morning Light

One of the best parts of working at Leadstra is our clients. We work exclusively with small businesses. These people do things that matter and are measured far beyond a balance sheet. They live their passion and work so hard to make a difference. For the last several...

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How Do You Find New Customers?

How Do You Find New Customers?

Finding New Customers: Does Strategy Matter?An old sales coach of mine once said 'You don't have to like making cold calls, you just have to make them!' For some old school sales pros, strategy is for losers. The key is activity, activity, and more activity. Remember,...

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Credibility May Be the Wrong Question

Credibility May Be the Wrong Question

The key to becoming an influencer is not to just be taken seriously. Credibility is important as you build influence, but only part of the equation. You must also create value. And value is subjective. It is based on your audience.Baseball is a game that is loved by...

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What Does the World Need to Hear from You?

What Does the World Need to Hear from You?

Your Message Matters We all send messages out into the world every day. Our lives are full of emails, tweets, proposals, presentations. But what does the world REALLY want to hear from you? This is a question we ask in our training all the time. It often results in...

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